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Questionable Trade [OPEN]

Posted: Fri, 2010.03.19 22:44
by Frank Mills
*~ Saturday, Sept 14, 1974 ~*

He cocked his hat against the greyish drizzle, and lit another cigarette, as he swaggered down Knockturn Alley. He'd just had a good long chat with old Caractus Burke, about the future of Wizarding England, and for all that Borgin and Burkes dealt in 'questionable' items and 'dark magics', Mr. Burke insisted there was no place for technological influence in Wizarding society. Of course, the man was both an antiques dealer and an antique, himself, so the attitude was hardly surprising.

Luckily, Mr. Burke wasn't who Frank was here to see, anyway. He'd come to see another dealer of bizarre and questionable objects: one Levitaxis Twonk. Levi owned a tiny shop, squeezed in between a chandler and a shop that appeared to sell the goods and body parts of hanged men. He wondered if he shouldn't buy some bone beads, while he was in town, and have them shipped back to Uncle Atsidi, to run off the skinwalkers.

"Levi, I've got those tracking watches you called for. A hunnert and twenty, just like you asked," Frank called out, tugging a wheeled trunk into the shop, after him. "Eighty of 'em in women's styles and another forty in men's. All of 'em stuff that'll be fancy and rare, in these parts. They'll run a hunnert years or more, and keep perfect time, doing it. And I brought the same number of guardian rings, to go with 'em."

Frank unpacked the cases onto the counter, as Levi stepped out of the back room. "I don't see why you need me for that crap. That's legal, here. But, I brought five hunnert of the two hunnert and forty volt magical adapters. Those'll move pretty quick. And I gotcha the magnetic tape guards, too, so yer folks stop blotting out them new hi-fi tapes."

Two more cases got unpacked onto the counter.

"You tell me what the folks want, Levi, and I'll get it for ya."